President - Perumal Thamendran
Vice Preisedent -Dorairaj
Secretary General -Rajaretinam Armuggan
Assistant Secretary General: Ganesan RajaGopal
Treasurer - Arumugam Sinnapah
Information Chief - Chandran Renugopal
Youth Chief : Sri Rama Nadeson
State Representatives:
1. Rajendran - Johor
2. Elumalai -Melaka
3. Seelan - Negeri Sembilan
4. Thangaraj and Mahen -Selangor
5. Wilayah Persekutuan -M.Arumugam, Raja, Hari
6. Perak -Still no rep yet.
7. Kedah - Gopi and Mani
8. Pulau Pinang -Still no rep yet.
9. Perlis -Still no rep yet.
10. Kelantan - S.Renugopal
11. Terengganu - Manimaran
12. Pahang - Ravi,Perumal
13. Sabah --Still no rep yet.
14. Sarawak -Still no rep yet.
Thats All for now.
Chandran, tat really gud......pls include phone number of each comity..........